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Psi Epsilon Omega Chapter Wins Numerous Awards at Regional Conference and Celebrates 15 Years of Com

Racine Tucker-Hamilton | Published on 4/27/2022

Psi Epsilon Omega Chapter Wins Numerous Awards at Regional Conference and Celebrates 15 Years of Community Service to Prince George’s County Residents


CONTACT:  Racine Tucker-Hamilton, Publicity Chairman, 301.922.8417 or

Prince George’s County, Md.—
Psi Epsilon Omega Chapter (PEO) of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® (AKA) receives prestigious awards at the 91st North Atlantic Regional Conference (NARC) held in Baltimore, Md. on April 21-24, 2022.  


The chapter won the following awards: 

  • President of the Year (3rd place) for large chapters: Benita A. Swindell received this award for her unique and outstanding contributions to the success of PEO and her leadership qualities.

  • Spotlight: Public Relations award: PEO won this highly competitive award for effective and outstanding use of traditional and social media to spotlight Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

  • Constance R. Pizarro P.R.O.M.I.S.E award: This award is for outstanding accomplishments in the following areas: P –Programs of service R –Retention of members (over 90%) O –Operations      M –Mentoring chapter members I –Innovations in ‘going green’ S –Sisterly relations amongst chapter members and E –financial support of the AKA Educational Advancement Foundation.

  • Erma W. Barron Making a Difference award: The focus of this award is political and social activism. PEO was recognized as the top chapter in the North Atlantic Region for our ongoing efforts to impact social issues relevant to the residents of the communities we serve.

PEO also won awards for its global impact work (AKA Target 5: Global Impact) supporting Soles4Souls international shoes and clothing nonprofit; and its efforts to help members of the community build wealth, create an economic legacy, and support Black-owned businesses (AKA Target 3: Building Your Economic Legacy).


“Service is the heart of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Sorority, Inc.,” said Benita A. Swindell, PEO president. “I am pleased that PEO is being recognized for our community service. Today we celebrate and tomorrow we roll up our sleeves and get back to serving the communities of Laurel, Bowie, and Greenbelt.”


PEO also celebrated its 15-year anniversary on April 24, 2022, with a virtual event titled, Pearlfection, Excellence, and Outstanding Community Service.


Prince George’s County Executive Angela D. Alsobrooks congratulated the chapter on 15 years of accomplishments. “Organizations rise and set as circumstances change, but the Psi Epsilon Omega chapter has endured,” Alsobrooks said in her recorded remarks. “Your heart for service reaches beyond the limits of Bowie, Laurel, and Greenbelt. It goes past Prince George’s County and the state of Maryland. The work you do is service that extends to all mankind.”


On April 29, 2007, PEO was chartered as the 69th graduate chapter in AKA’s North Atlantic Region. It began with 27 members who were committed to a common goal of serving the cities of Laurel, Bowie, and Greenbelt Md. “This is a day that you have dreamed of back in 2007 when you stepped out on faith and worked to become a chapter. I congratulate you, and under the leadership of Benita Swindell, keep leading on a high note,” said AKA North Atlantic Regional Director Mary Bentley LaMar.




Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated®, Psi Epsilon Omega Chapter was chartered in 2007. Since its founding, the chapter has implemented its service programs in Laurel, Bowie, and Greenbelt, Maryland.


Pearl Elegance Foundation, Incorporated is a non-profit 501(c)3 charity established in 2014 in Maryland. PEF is a direct outgrowth of the Psi Epsilon Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®.

PEO 2022 NARC Awards and 15th Anniversary Press Release

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